Up For A Chat
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when two international speakers, best-selling authors and celebrated business women get together and have a chat discussing issues on health, wellbeing, relationships and mindset? Well here’s your chance to hear a duo of professional specialists working with the guys on the Wellness Couch - and they’re up for a chat! These girls are about challenging the norm and challenging traditions. Wellness nutritionist extraordinaire Cyndi O’Meara and wellness health and lifestyle educator Kim Morrison believe tapping into one’s innate intelligence and using a common sense approach is what makes positive change. They are your professional reminders teaching new truths about health, discussing issues you have thought about - even issues you may not have thought about. Up For A Chat is not just facts, figures and status quo this podcast series is about thinking outside the square, doing things differently so that you can make a difference in your life, in your family’s life, and not become a sickness statistic mentally, emotionally and physically. And most importantly this trio of girls are a reminder that learning can be fun!!
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
UC 311: Meet a Cameleer – Lauren Brisbane
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Lauren Brisbane owns QCamel, the first Australian camel milking farmer. Lauren is not your usual farmer, she thinks outside the square, her animal husbandry is more like a caring facility for women and children. You know with Carren and her love for animals that she wouldn’t interview anyone that was not only caring for animals but for the planet. Lauren’s story is unique, she was a farmer but with drought and many suicides in her community she knew there had to be a better way of farming, it was a matter of being sparked by a conversation, doing some research, starting with just a few camels and now has a herd of over 100. The health benefits of camel milk are discussed in this interview which Cyndi dives into, and now camel milk is also being used in with essential oils for personal care products. It’s a heart warming conversation about animals, the planet, organic farming and the 6000 year old history of the Bedouins as Cameliers.
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Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
UC 310: Gut Health and Probiotics The Science Behind the Hype
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Jenny Tschiesche is a UK nutritionist who is sometimes known as the Lunch Box Doctor. She asked Cyndi to write the forward for her new book. Gut Health and Probiotics – The Science Behind the Hype. Cyndi does not write a forward unless she has read the whole book. Cyndi loves Jenny’s book and believes that doctors and lay people alike should read this valuable resource. Carren, Kim and Cyndi launch into a barrage of questions how our gut health not only effects our physical body but our mental state. Jenny is a wealth of knowledge.
Jenny’s book is available at Angus and Robertson in Australia, other wise amazon world wide. wwwjennytschiesche.com www.thelunchboxdoctor.com
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Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
UC 309: The Secret Healer – Elizabeth Ashley
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Elizabeth Ashley is one of the world’s leading essential oil researchers, and the author of 20 essential oils manuals including her Amazon category number one best selling work “Cannabis Medicine”.
Unlike other authorities, she takes the knowledge of the plant right back to its earliest historical origins and then traces it through to the most contemporary research in the clinical labs.
Her mind-body-spirit medicine elucidates how disease emanates from our feelings and emotional responses to life and how an essential oil can liberate us from their bondage. Her engaging writing is full of personality and giggles and she draws from her experiences of messing with bottles of oil in The Secret Healer’s Shed whilst juggling the joys of motherhood of three children, writing for four magazines and her marriage to her most beloved husband, The Strong Silent One.
Elizabeth is the host of the brand new online ‘Beyond The Essential Oil Recipe’ Online Summit, which our very own Kimmy is one of the presenters, that you can join for free here https://bit.ly/2DLchER.
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Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
UC 308: Live Your Passion with Sean Croxton
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
What a coo for the Chatters they managed to interview the extraordinary interviewer – Sean Croxton. Sean began his life as an interviewer with his podcast Underground Wellness, he reached the peak of his career in that space and then walked away from the health realm to move into self help and personal development. His change was that he understand that there were many modalities to healing, but he noticed that those that healed had a lot to do with their mind and positivity. He followed his passion and has managed to secure himself as the most informed interviewer about his guest. He also has interviewed the best in the self help space. In this interview Sean tells The Chatters about a year of learning and what he learnt about an industry and about himself.
To learn more about The Sessions and Quote of the Day go to www.seancroxton.com
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Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
UC 307: Motherhood Wellness and Aligning Passion with Income
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Cyndi, Carren and Kim met Helen Marshal a fellow Wellness Couch podcaster at the Wellness Summit in Melbourne this year. Helen gave Cyndi a loaf of bread and homemade cookies. Cyndi became interested in Helen’s journey, she was excited to see someone who had taken their passion for being healthy and enjoying being in the kitchen to a ripple effect where her Primal Alternative Franchise is helping communities and families around Australia. Helen’s story is engaging and her AHA moments impactful for all to hear.
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Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
UC 306: 9 Strangers in Africa
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
9 Strangers set off on an adventure around Namibia and Botswana. They tell of their time in ‘this is Africa” where time slows down, no one is in a hurry and small planes are fixed with gaffe tape.
8 people plus Cyndi venture on an Up For A Chat 2018 adventure to Africa. After 2 weeks of fun, laughs, learnings and mishaps Cyndi decides to ask them why they came, what they learnt and what was there favorite part of the trip. It’s surprising that some of the guests wanted to change what they were doing in their own lives. It’s a fun filled hour, with a few tears, lessons and most of all unbelievable respect for each other after being with each other 24/7.
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Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
UC 305: Makeup – The Good The Bad and The Ugly
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Many women love their makeup, but is our daily makeup routine making us sick? Join the Chatters as they interview Briony Kennedy founder of Adorn Cosmetics as she explains articulately and with amazing knowledge all about makeup industry. Ingredients, fillers, containers, waste, chemicals, animal testing and so much more is discussed in this important interview. All three Up For A Chatters are true converts to Adorn Cosmetics after this interview.
Instagram @adorncosmetics
Facebook; Adorn Cosmetics
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Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
UC 304: Lessons From Africa
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Cyndi has just arrived home from the Annual Up For A Chat hike and adventure from Namibia and Botswana. Carren and Kim have so many questions, about the highlights, but the conversation flows to what we learn when we travel and put ourselves in places that are foreign to western society. Cyndi has travelled through remote areas meeting the Himba’s and San Bushman of Namibia as well as the Kalhari Bush People. It’s an adventure not to be missed.
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Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
UC 303: Under Pressure and How to Deal With It
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Carren and Kim talk about Pressure? Is it a distortion of time? We all have 24 hours, but some seem to be under more pressure than others. It’s usually because we have everything riding on what we have planned and time doesn’t work for us. Physically, mental and emotionally can all be affected when we are under pressure. Small bursts are fine, but continuous can be an issue. Kim and Carren discuss pressure and how they handle it in their life using, organization, rituals, healthy food, yoga, meditation, breathing to name a few listen in on this informative podcast.
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Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
UC 302: Learn about Primal Play with the founder, Darryl Edwards
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
The Up For A Chatters are in fine form with the handsome Darryl Edwards. Darryl hails from London and his story from corporate financial life to the founder of Primal Play is where the podcast starts. Now his office is outside, traveling the world teaching people about Primal Play. Darryl became interested in leading a healthier lifestyle when suffering from an array of lifestyle issues (chronic hypertension, pre-diabetes and elevated cardiovascular disease risk). Seeing amazing results from his lifestyle changes, Darryl quit his career as an IT consultant in Investment Banking and re-trained as a Personal Trainer and clinical nutritionist with a focus on natural movement and food for health. His passion is to share his knowledge and experience with others.
His new book Animal Moves combines cardio, resistance and agility exercises to boost power, conditioning and flexibility. It’s an all-in-one playout. Instead of spending 30 min on an exercise bike, 30 min doing weights and 30 min on the treadmill, you can combine it all into one single workout in a much shorter space of time.
Website www.primalplay.com
Twitter / Instagram @FitnessExplorer
Facebook www.facebook.com/fitnessexplorer
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Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
UC 301: Goodbye Depression with Kevin Billet
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Description; UK born, Kevin Billett is a world-leading expert in conscious life transformation, positive living and authentic leadership. He is joint founder and CEO of The Journey group of companies. He is Brandon Bays’ husband, Journey Method collaborator and business partner of 20 years. Kevin and Brandon and Kevin’s latest book, Light in the Heart of Darkness, is largely based on his story of healing completely from depression using The Journey Method, and teaching others how to do the same. Carren and Cyndi dive deep into the subject of depression and how to find light in the heart of darkness.
To find more information go to http://www.kevinbillett.org www.facebook.com/kevinbillet www.thejouney.com
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Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
UC 300: 6 Years later, 300 shows, The Up For A Chat girls are still chatting
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
It’s been 6 years and over 300 hours of chatting that has been recorded by these three extraordinary women. The Up For A Chatters took a chance and wondered if anyone wanted to listen in on their conversations as well as the conversations they have with other people. In this episode, they talk about what they have learnt, what they have achieved, their favourite episodes, the laughs, the tears, the love, the awakenings and so much more.
The Chatters also talk about their next adventure, hiking 160km around Mt Blanc through Switzerland, Italy and France, then ending in Como Italy for a food and bicycle tour. For more information if you want to join the chatters go to www.carrensmith.com/UFC
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