Up For A Chat
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when two international speakers, best-selling authors and celebrated business women get together and have a chat discussing issues on health, wellbeing, relationships and mindset? Well here’s your chance to hear a duo of professional specialists working with the guys on the Wellness Couch - and they’re up for a chat! These girls are about challenging the norm and challenging traditions. Wellness nutritionist extraordinaire Cyndi O’Meara and wellness health and lifestyle educator Kim Morrison believe tapping into one’s innate intelligence and using a common sense approach is what makes positive change. They are your professional reminders teaching new truths about health, discussing issues you have thought about - even issues you may not have thought about. Up For A Chat is not just facts, figures and status quo this podcast series is about thinking outside the square, doing things differently so that you can make a difference in your life, in your family’s life, and not become a sickness statistic mentally, emotionally and physically. And most importantly this trio of girls are a reminder that learning can be fun!!
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
The Changing Habits Market Place is always on the hunt for new foods, they must be ethical, trusted, organic and/or chemical free and more often than not have a great story about how they came about. Krista is a leader in agricultural innovation and the co-founder and Managing Director of Natural Evolution, a company specializing in green banana and other waste produce products.
She is an advocate for innovation and disruption, and passionate about reinvigorating the Australian Food manufacturing industry.
Krista’s interest in reducing waste and finding uses for unsaleable produce led to the development of Natural Evolution in 2015. Following tireless work and research, she and husband Rob built the worlds first pharmaceutical grade green banana processing facility and pioneered the process of turning produce in functional foods and cosmetics.
The business has experienced remarkable growth, expanding into international markets and winning sustainability and innovation awards in Australia and overseas .
Their product – green banana flour, high in tryptophan and resistance starch, inhibits growth of e-coli and staph as well as tastes good and can be used in cooking or smoothies.
This is a story that gives you goose bumps, a young couple a destroyed crop and now known as the biggest banana flour makers in the world, all in regional Queensland. Kim and Cyndi interview Krista and are in awe of what she has achieved. You will notice a background noise, she lives on a farm and it was hard for us to get her for an interview where either the kids were not wanting her or the farm was not working.
To learn more about Krista go to www.naturalevolutionfoods.com.au or go to the Changing Habits Market place and purchase the banana flour and sweet potato flour.
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Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
UC 322: Mobilizing The Next Generation Of Parents
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Taylor Winterstein is on a mission, a young 29 year old mother of 2 and wife to a professional athlete. She has a fire in her belly and nothing will stop her helping the next generations of parents to take back control of their family’s health. She hasn’t always lived the healthy lifestyle, but a documentary woke her up and from there Taylor has become a self educated veracious learner to understand health not only for her family but for all who read and listen to her. Her instagram tays_way_ has had death threats as she dares to talk about a taboo subject. Taylor has always innately lived her truth and her life unapologetically for herself, never seeking validation off others. She is a fierce truth-seeker and a #mumonamission to help other parents take back control of their families health, tune into their paternal intuition and consciously parent by heart.
Listen in as the Chatters find out about her life and now her mission. For more information go to www.tayswaymovement.com.au.
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Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
UC 321: What Lurks in Your Tomato and BBQ Sauce?
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
The Chatters divide themselves and Cyndi is interviewed about her latest study – condiments. Tomato sauce, mayo, BBQ, sweet chili sauce are slathered on our food and children’s food. Have you ever thought what lies behind the terms, acidity regulatory, thickeners, binders, flavors, rosemary extract. Cyndi dives deep into what is written on the label and what is completely missed. She discusses the agricultural practices of tomatoes and then where the additives come from, how they are made and whether or not they are revealing whether GMO’s have been used. The chatters finish with what is happening in the world and why in every industry is dishonesty the norm.
They talk about the movie Heal and the 9 attributes of spontaneous healings;
Radically changing your diet
Taking control of your health
Following your intuition
Using herbs and supplements
Releasing suppressed emotions
Increasing positive emotions
Embracing social support
Deepening your spiritual connection
Have a strong reason for living
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Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
The Chatters interview Ben Stockwin – CEO of the Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) he has extensive experience as an educator including 7 years as a teacher and 8 as a school principal in Queensland and Tasmania. PIEFA is the lead coordinating body for food and fibre education in Australian schools and operates the web portals primezone.edu.au and ‘Career Harvest’. Outside of PIEFA Ben is a board member of the Australian Beef Industry Foundation, a member of Landcare Australia Ltd national advisory group and a director of Surfing Tasmania and has been a member of the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (Tas) executive. How Ben turned the academic excellence of two schools around using agriculture is quite amazing and eye opening.
The post UC 320: How To Turn Academic Excellence around using agriculture with Ben Stockwin appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
UC 319: The Australian Aboriginal Culture is Misunderstood
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Kama Trudgen (MBBS) is a medical doctor who has worked as a General Practice Registrar in Aboriginal Medical Centres. She has lived and worked on Elcho Island since 2009 and speaks Gupupuyngu. She is particularly passionate about preventative medicine and empowering people, and has stepped outside the Western medical model of health care delivery. Kama provides the support, education and resources that are needed so that Yolngu can own and control the process of looking after their own health. Along with Dianne Gondarra, she is co-founder of the Hope for Health project. Carren, Kim and Cyndi are enthralled with her life and what she has learnt about the aboriginal culture.
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Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
UC 318: A Health System in Crisis with Belinda Fettke
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Belinda Fettke is the wife of Gary Fettke a Launceston Orthopedic Surgeon who was given a life long nutrition and diet gag sentence without appeal by his medical governing body (AHPRA) for recommending a low carbohydrate diet to his diabetic patients. Belinda is not only supportive of her husband but has uncovered some damming information related to the Dietitians Association of Australia, some members of the food industry that were party to a witch hunt on Dr Fettke. The chatters have their jaws on the floor as Belinda tells the story of how her and Gary’s life were turned upside down and then eventually AHPRA gave Gary an apology and withdrew all charges and the gag order. This episode will inform you about regulatory bodies, the DAA, the food industry and much more. Not to be missed.
To find out more about Belinda and Gary go to:facebook.com/Belindafettke www.isupportgary.com www.nofructose.com
Following is the link to the article Lifestyle Medicine…where did the meat go?https://isupportgary.com/articles/the-plant-based-diet-is-vegan
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Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
UC 317: Rheumatoid Arthritis with Clint Paddison
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Carren is a private person, but in this episode she reveals something about herself that she has not talked about in public. Clint Paddison helps her get a full understanding of what has been happening to her over the last few years. Clint Paddison is a man driven to be well. He was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis but was not happy with the current schedule of drugs needed to suppress the disease, in fact one of the medications he takes makes him worse. He knows how to research so he reads and acts on his knowledge and goes from someone who can hardly walk to fully functioning, his biomarkers change and so much more. Listen in on an interesting topic and how when you take responsibility for your own health miracles can happen.
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Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
UC 316: Breast Implants – Are They Making You Sick
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Alysha Habgood is a naturopath, but as a young woman she wasn’t happy with her body image. Her breasts were too small. Living in a modern world she decided she could do something about it by having breast implants. 4 months later she was sick, tired and was presenting with an autoimmune disease. She tried everything hoping it wasn’t her breast implants, but years later the evidence was clear, she had to remove the implants as well as deal with her belief about her body and breasts. Alysha is a smart 29 year old, who has learnt a lot on her journey and now wants to make women aware of what implants can do to their health. She is frank about what it was like removing the breasts and getting her health back. If you know anyone with breast implants this is a must listen, spread this podcast far and wide, so woman become informed on this crucial health issue.
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Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
UC 315: Agriculture the hero in the Climate Change Debate
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Charles Massy is a farmer, author, regenerative farmer and OAM and has a Phd in Agricultural Science. Cyndi interviews this amazing thinker on regenerative agriculture and how this way of farming is the new hero in the climate change debate. Charles book Call of the Reed Warbler, discusses, the historical perspective of Australian Agriculture when the Australian Aboriginal managed the land. When soil is healthy it will capture more carbon than anything else we’ve tried. Listen in on this fascinating interview where both Cyndi and Charles realize they think the same but in different areas of food and nutrition. This podcast has the potential to change the planet’s health, by getting this information and acting on it, you can make a difference to the health of people, animals and the planet
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Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
UC 314: Christmas Special with the Chatters
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Christmas 2018, the chatters talk about their experience with Christmas, what they are doing, how they celebrate Christmas and all the trimmings. The discussion talks about family crisis’s over Christmas and how the chatters do Christmas very differently. Food, decorations, presents are all discussed with some wonderful hints and ideas for a wonderful celebration for this time of year. The discussion then goes into 2019 and what does that look like for the Up For A Chat podcasts, hosts and life.
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Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
UC 313: Meditation and Spirit Hive
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Cyndi finished a 7 day meditation retreat with Dr Joe Dispenza on the Sunshine Coast and Carren has launched her Spirit Hive Project in Brisbane and Sunny Coast. They both are excited about the prospects of what they have been doing. Kim as always has a knack of asking the right question and getting the best and most out of each of them in order for you to listen in on the growth of these two women who are making great strides in their business and personal journeys. In fact the three Up For A Chatters are beaming with new projects and loving life.
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Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
UC 312: Catch up Time with The Chatters
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
There is a lot happening in the Chatters lives, so it’s catch up today. Kim talks about her book The Art of Self Love, Carren explains her latest venture Spirit Hive and Cyndi has been in planning mode for 2019 and there is more information regarding her campaign to stop the spraying of Roundup by her council. As always the catchup has times of rawness, how do they cope with the changes, the inspirations, the though times and the celebrations. This is like being a fly on the wall as the Chatters catch up on each others lives.
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