Up For A Chat
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when two international speakers, best-selling authors and celebrated business women get together and have a chat discussing issues on health, wellbeing, relationships and mindset? Well here’s your chance to hear a duo of professional specialists working with the guys on the Wellness Couch - and they’re up for a chat! These girls are about challenging the norm and challenging traditions. Wellness nutritionist extraordinaire Cyndi O’Meara and wellness health and lifestyle educator Kim Morrison believe tapping into one’s innate intelligence and using a common sense approach is what makes positive change. They are your professional reminders teaching new truths about health, discussing issues you have thought about - even issues you may not have thought about. Up For A Chat is not just facts, figures and status quo this podcast series is about thinking outside the square, doing things differently so that you can make a difference in your life, in your family’s life, and not become a sickness statistic mentally, emotionally and physically. And most importantly this trio of girls are a reminder that learning can be fun!!
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
UC 347: Who’s Minding The Farm with Patrice Newell
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Patrice Newell was once on Television. But she left that industry in 1987 to become a sustainable land manager and writer/researcher dedicated to developing and communicating improved agricultural systems and innovations in an era of rapid climate change. Elmswood Farm has been her obsession ever since. The Chatters talk to Patrice about her latest book – Who’s Minding the Farm. Patrice believes all great things start small and believes that it’s tragic in this economy and climate issues, that needing consumers to buy more is what it means to be a good citizen, and everyone knows that you can’t buy happiness. This is a chat with a highly intelligent woman, who thinks differently and has a passion for things to change, even running for politics has been part of her life in order to make a difference.
for more information about Patrice and her farm Elmswood go to:www.patricenewell.com.auinstagram/patricenewellgarlicfarm
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Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
UC 346: Anorexia Nervosa Recovery and Eating Disorders with Millie Thomas
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Millie Thomas battled Anorexia Nervosa for 15 years and is now fully recovered and providing support and guidance to other Eating Disorder sufferers. She also provides individual coaching and a fortnightly support groups based on the Sunshine Coast for Eating Disorder sufferers and their families. In today’s interview the Up For A Chatter’s delve into what it actually means to live with an eating disorder which is estimated to affect over 16% of the Australian population. Binge eating disorders (BED) and other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED) are the most common eating disorders, affecting approximately 6% and 5%, respectively, while anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) each occur in below 1% of the general population. Carren and Kim find out from Millie what it was like for her to endure a 15-year illness and how she became been compelled to turn her pain into purpose. She works with Sunshine Coast-based charity endED and in partnership with The Butterfly Foundation they are about to establish Australia’s first residential Eating Disorders facility – ‘endED Butterfly House.
Instagram – @endedaustralia
Facebook – @endingeatingdisorders
Website – www.ended.org.au
For more support you can also contact Lifeline: 131144
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Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
UC 345: E171 – Food Additive Effects the Microbiome with Laurence Macia
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Listen in as the chatters talk with professor Laurence Macia, one of the authors of a new mouse study out of the University of Sydney published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, regarding E171 a common ingredient found in 900 products including mayo, chewing gum, toothpaste, sunscreen and even paint.
The research points to the fact that the food additive titanium dioxide, which appears as E171 on labels, can have a harmful affect on the gut’s natural bacteria causing inflammatory bowel diseases and even cancer. The food additive is used as a whitening agent. Its usage in foods, medicines and clothing has increased considerably in the last decade, despite insufficient evidence about its safety.
E 171 is part of a group of nanoparticles. Exposure to nanoparticles has previously been linked to dementia, auto-immune disease, eczema, asthma, autism and increasing the spread of cancer. France has already announced titanium dioxide would be banned from products as of 2020 following a 2017 review into the additive. FSANZ the Australian governing body for food additives is not concerned and there is “no Australian ban planned”.
This is about educating yourself about foods in the market place and their additives and being ahead of government guidelines.
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Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
UC 344: Dr Dana Stanley – Gut Health for Humans and Animals
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Dr. Don Huber plant pathologist and advocate for more science and testing in the area of glyphosate, GMO’s and soil ecology was interviewed by Cyndi for her education arm FNA and strongly urged her to interview Professor Dana Stanley from Central Queensland University. This podcast is about the health of the GUT, Dana is like the Australian resident Giulia Enders, famed author of GUT. Her research her knowledge of the GUT both for animals and plants is breath taking, but practical.
Dana obtained her PhD at Victoria University, Melbourne, in the area of yeast molecular biology and mutagenesis. She then went on to work at CSIRO in the avian research. Dr Stanley is one of Australia’s highest contributors to the field in veterinary science in the area of poultry intestinal microbiota.
It was from this that she began to focus on human disease and the microbiota. She is currently developing probiotics with enhanced epigenetic effects to be used in agricultural breeding stock. Complementary to the role of microbiota in health, she is investigating the role of microbiota in disease prevention especially Necrotic Enteritis and Spotty Liver Disease.
Dr. Stanley established her reputation as a researcher in intestinal microbiota through long-term investigations in human health that has resulted in high impact publications. Some of her main research projects in 2017 investigate alternative antibiotic development, prostate cancer, bariatric surgery, faecal transplant purification, stroke and colitis.
It’s quite the conversation and to Carren’s credit, the chatters talked all things poo!
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Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
UC 343: The Wellness Summit, Are You Coming?
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Marcus Pearce from the Wellness Couch is the co-host today, Carren is away and so Marcus has stepped in for the chatters 343rd show. There is a lot of conversation about podcasting vs live events and what the audience and speakers get from both. This is a conversation for growth both personally and professionally, it’s about being in the arena instead of being a spectator yelling from the side, and being part of the solution instead of the problem. It seems like we may think we have all the answers but like many of the speakers at the summit, they know it’s about digging deeper. It’s a root cause soup out there, and what can we do about it. Listen in to these three amazing educators as they walk you through the importance of networking and finding a group of people who are making a difference not only in their own lives but their families and community.
Up For A Chat listeners can come to The Wellness Summit for up to 40% off!
Simply go to www.thewellnesssummit.com and enter the code CHATTERS
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Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
UC 342: Sober in the Country with Shanna Whan
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Sober in the Country is a national rural conversation fiercely led by country woman Shanna Whan. After surviving and making a full recovery from alcoholism and near death in a small country town with no support – she’s now using her powerful, raw story to positively impact lives across rural Australia.
In this online space, a rapidly growing tribe of like-minded rural Aussie peers are now gathering to openly discuss, question and positively change their own choices with alcohol and the underbelly and real costs of our booze-worshipping culture in remote and rural areas.
Shanna’s down-to-earth approach, infectious humour, and her national rural network — along with plenty of lived experience has positioned her as the perfect spokesperson to publicly challenge the entire social license around booze in the bush. And, it’s having a huge impact.
Her profile was lifted in early 2018 when she was a prestigious NSW/ACT AgriFutures Rural Woman of the Year finalist recognised for her tireless work as an ambassador, volunteer, speaker, blogger and ‘unconventional educator’ helping raise awareness around not just alcohol abuse but indeed as a well spoken and passionate advocate across many connected rural health issues as a whole.
Shanna Says “I actually represent many, many rural men and women in a similar boat. The only difference is that I choose to speak openly and candidly about my story. Because not even nearly enough is being done in this space for our peers. So, I decided to call that out and to basically be the change that was so very overdue and necessary.”
Shanna is now being positioned alongside celebrities and influencers like Maz Compton and Talitha Cummins as the (only) ‘official rural ambassador’ for leading national alcohol awareness charity and movement Hello Sunday Morning. The Chatters became infatuated with this articulate passionate woman.
facebook – sober in the country
Hello Sunday Morning
Day Break -App.www.al-anon.org.au
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Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
UC 341: Recovered Ice Addict of 37 years tells her story – Robyn Lewis
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Cyndi met Robyn Lewis earlier in 2019 at a Women’s event in a small country town – Beerowa NSW. Her story was so compelling and her departure from 37 years of addiction is a story worth hearing, so the Chatters decided to spend some time learning about Robyn’s life. Robyn see’s her 37 years of addiction as being in training for what she does now – Smart Recovery. Robyn explains what are the signs that you need to look out for as a parent as well as how generations of abuse can lead to more generations of abuse. Time to break the cycle and pull together as a community to turn toward people in trouble rather than turning away. Another riveting episode that leaves you thinking more about our society and the breakdown in mental health, but also a story of hope that recovery is possible. Robyn’s weekly wish to end her life was stopped by a glimmer of hope that she was a good and kind person after all, she just needed to find help. As she explains help is not there, it’s too far away more often than not.
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Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
UC 340: Religious Rehab with Todd Preston
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Elicit – swearing twice bloody and fuck
In my twenties I knew everything, my thirties I lost everything, today I question everything…Todd Preston. The Chatters have the opportunity to interview one extraordinary man. Todd was bought up in the Mormon Church at 19 on his mission he knew everything, he says he had cognitive dissonance about his belief, at 25 he realized he knew nothing and began to read, by 35 he needed to leave the church and question everything, but his wife the daughter of an elder would not leave and would not let Todd have anything to do with their, 4 daughters. Penniless he thought about taking his life, but something stopped him and with $300 left and 2 suitcases he landed in NZ in 2010 to begin a new life. Now married and with three children his life begins again questioning everything. The chatters fall for this amazing man who through adversity has come out the other side ready to start life again. He yearns for contact with his 4 daughters who are now merging into adulthood but they believe he is the devil. This Chatter episode is – you can’t hear a pin drop!!! Listen in on this incredible story.
Todd is a prolific writer you can read his articles here – https://medium.com/@flyingtandem217
Books by Todd
Religious Rehab; A Memoir
Sacred Road: my journey through abuse, leaving the Mormons & embracing spirituality
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Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
UC 339: Blood on the Rosary with Margaret Harrod
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Margaret Harrod leads by example. Despite years of abuse, the former nun, who went on to become a much loved teacher, does not view herself as a victim but as an empowered woman who has managed to grasp her life with both hands in order to be able to reach her dreams. Throughout her healing journey, Margaret held fast to her dream of assisting other women. After leaving teaching she became a crisis supporter and advocate at Lifeline. She now focuses on breaking the silence of the scourge that is sexual abuse. To spread a sense of empowerment and inspiratithewellnesscouch.com/?p=25185&previewon to survivors and their loved ones. Margaret has been married to Rod for 32 years and lives in Canberra. They have two grown up children. The Chatters start the conversation with Margaret asking her about why she chose to speak out about abuse by her father, 2 priests and then finding about her twin brother abusing children, the conversation is riveting, this is one the Chatters want passed around and for everyone to read Margaret Harrods book Blood on the Rosary.
ABC podcast Conversations link: https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/conversations/conversations-margaret-harrod/10722504
One plus One link; https://www.abc.net.au/news/programs/one-plus-one/2019-02-07/one-plus-one:-margaret-harrod/10791392
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Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
UC 338: Beautiful You with Dr Nat Kringoudis
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Nat Kringoudis is a doctor of Chinese medicine, Acupuncturist, Author of Beautiful You, Speaker and all-round natural fertility expert. She is the founder of Melbourne women’s health clinic, The Pagoda Tree, creator of Yo’Nuts and producer of HealthTalks TV.
Most people associate fertility with pregnancy with a bun in the oven, but being more ‘fertile’ can actually improve your general health and wellbeing. And even if you’re a long way off wanting that bun in the oven, priming your body now will increase your chances of conceiving in the future. It’s time to take the wonder out of your wonderland.
It’s Dr Nat’s mission to educate and empower women to get clued up on their body and take control of hormone health. Ditch the stress, the confusion and the endless disappointment, and give your temple the love and attention it deserves. Balance your hormones, balance your life.
The Chatters talk about Nat’s new book Beautiful You a book for the teenager and understanding their body and reproductive capacity.
Instagram @natkringoudis
Facebook Nat Kringoudis
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Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
UC 337: Fertility Breakthrough with Gabriela Rosa
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Gabriela Rosa is a world renowned fertility specialist, and the founder and clinical director of the Rosa Institute—an organisation dedicated to helping couples create healthy babies, despite previous reproductive challenges. Since 2001 Gabriela and her team of clinicians blend evidence-based science into a holistic, supportive and education focused approach to fertility treatment. Her proven and effective methodology is the underlying foundation of all of Gabriela’s signature programs, which have now provided reproductive education and empowerment to over 100,000 couples in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Gabriela has completed clinical research programs at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and was awarded The Scholar Award for academic excellence. Currently working towards a masters in public health, Gabriela already holds a Master of Science in Medicine (Reproductive Health and Human Genetics) from The University of Sydney, a Bachelor of Health Science and is trained in numerous health disciplines including naturopathy, nutrition and botanical herbal medicine.
Gabriela’s 4th fertility book is due out August 2019.
App Natural Cycles – Contraception – Hormone Free Contraception
For updates on Gabriela’s latest initiatives visit www.naturalfertilitybreakthrough.com
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Tuesday May 28, 2019
UC 336: EFT Science with DR Peta Stapleton
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Associate Professor Peta Stapleton is a clinical/health psychologist at Bond University, Australia, and embraces evidence-based practice and is passionate about new and innovative techniques. Peta is known worldwide for her food cravings/weightloss research using Emotional Freedom Techniques or ‘Tapping’, and has led a world first study investigating the impact of tapping in the brain through a fMRI study.
Peta has also led the way to having this stress reduction tool be included in schools worldwide. Tapping in the Classroom® was created as a universal wellbeing program for teachers to use the technique of Tapping with students of all ages in a classroom situation. Peta developed this online training with personal support to give teachers an effective self-applied stress management tool. She also delivers Evidence Based EFT as a skills training for health professionals and has been recognised with the Harvey Baker Research Award for meticulous research in energy psychology, the Global Weight Management Congress Industry Professional Award of Excellence, and the greatest contribution to the field of Energy Psychology. She was most recently named the Gold Coast Women in Business award winner for Innovation and Technology.
The Chatters are enthralled with Peta and her science and evidence based research on EFT and Tapping.
Website – www.petastapleton.com
Research Page – https://research.bond.edu.au/en/persons/peta-stapleton
Training website – www.evidencebasedeft.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/drpetastapleton
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/petastapleton/
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/petastapleton/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/petastapleton
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafd2i5Xf1V9ndzyorWR4Og
TEDx Talk – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vu0Tibt1bQ&t=34s&list=PLsRNoUx8w3rN5QapTK9Ia59W4dv9eJrSe&index=8
Amazon Author – https://www.amazon.com/Dr.-Peta-Stapleton/e/B0714PDYN1%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share
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