Up For A Chat
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when two international speakers, best-selling authors and celebrated business women get together and have a chat discussing issues on health, wellbeing, relationships and mindset? Well here’s your chance to hear a duo of professional specialists working with the guys on the Wellness Couch - and they’re up for a chat! These girls are about challenging the norm and challenging traditions. Wellness nutritionist extraordinaire Cyndi O’Meara and wellness health and lifestyle educator Kim Morrison believe tapping into one’s innate intelligence and using a common sense approach is what makes positive change. They are your professional reminders teaching new truths about health, discussing issues you have thought about - even issues you may not have thought about. Up For A Chat is not just facts, figures and status quo this podcast series is about thinking outside the square, doing things differently so that you can make a difference in your life, in your family’s life, and not become a sickness statistic mentally, emotionally and physically. And most importantly this trio of girls are a reminder that learning can be fun!!
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
UC 275: The Magic For Creating Great Relationships and Friendships
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
The question asked of the Up For A Chatters recently, was had they ever had a major falling out, and if they had how did they recover? Be that fly on the wall when three wonderful friends express their respect and gratitude for each other. Listen in when one is troubled and how the others help them through life’s journey. It’s a special gift to have friendships so strong, the connections made can make life’s ups and downs so much more meaningful and easier. Yes Kim, Carren and Cyndi let you know if they have ever had a major falling out after a decade of close friendship. You’ll have to listen to find out.
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Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
UC 274: Insights into the food and beauty manufacturing industry
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Cyndi has just been to the US to the Natural Product Expo 2018. To say the least she has become despondent by the food and beauty manufacturing industry. Welcome to the era of natural, Non GMO, sustainable, certified organic ultra processed junk food and beauty products. Kim and Cyndi discuss what is happening and how even more so now it’s important to be vigilant on what companies you choose to support with your dollar. Natural Colours, Natural Flavours, Rosemary Extract and Yeast Extract are not what you think. Listen in and learn about the new buzz word in the industry ‘Clean Labelling’. Reading the ingredients will give you an insight into the company priority. Is it to make money or to save the world?
The post UC 274: Insights into the food and beauty manufacturing industry appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
UC 273: Talking Chemicals, Life and Fame with Therese Kerr
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Therese Kerr needs no introduction. A wife, mother and grandmother, this amazing woman is a passionate health and wellness trail blazer in her own right. Diagnosed with endometriosis in 1995 and Hashimotos in 1997, Therese suffered many other conditions including lethargy, being overweight, dry skin, rosacea and migraines. Considering she thought she was a fairly healthy person this was all a massive shock to her, however she resolved to the fact there was little she could do. In 2001 she developed tumours on her spleen which resulted in it being removed. This was Therese’s ‘a-ha’ moment. Wondering what had caused all of this she was grateful to come across Bill Statham’s book, “The Chemical Maze”. This opened up a whole world which started with launching Kora Organic Skincare in 2009 with her famous model daughter Miranda Kerr, her husband Johnny and son Matty. In 2014, The Divine Company began manufacturing the highest quality, purest Australian Certified Organic personal care, men’s care and baby care products on the market with testimonials that have been beautiful and heartwarming. Therese is a well known speaker on the wellness circuit with a real love of people, connection and education. She is a wealth of knowledge and we know you will thoroughly enjoy this amazing insightful and educational podcast with Kim and Carren hosting. You can contact Therese at www.theresekerr.com and follow her on Instagram for daily inspiration at theresekerr. A beautiful interview with a beautiful soul. We hope you enjoy!
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Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
UC 272: Q and A with Cyndi on Functional Nutrition Academy
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
The Functional Nutrition Academy is ready for their next intake of nutrition students. Cyndi has done a video series about the philosophy and historical perspective of food through the ages (4 videos in total). She is now doing a Q and A with perspective students. 2018 first intake begins March 12th. Listen in as Cyndi Listen In
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Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
UC 271: The Gut Brain Connection
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Carren has always been about the head, what wires together fires together. Cyndi on the other hand loves anything that goes in the mouth and comes out the butt. Are they separate or linked? At the Wellness Basecamp in Brisbane Carren’s presentation talked about neurotransmitters and network systems in the brain that are effected by the food we eat, exercise we do, meditation and yoga that we practice. Cyndi’s love of the GUT and all that goes through it and how it affects the mind become the topic of conversation. Both Carren and Cyndi realise that although they come from different ends of the body, both influence the GUT Brain Connection and in turn change our mental and physical health.
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Thursday Feb 22, 2018
UC 270: The Bali Bombing and How it Changed Lives
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
At the last minute, Kim messages Carren asking her to be the ‘surprise’ guest speaker at her HLE graduation event! With arms waving in the air and hair on fire, Carren can’t think of anything more fun! She races over to Kim’s office and what you’re about to listen to is the most unprepared, unscripted presentation Carren has given, but in her own words: “I loved every minute of it and it was the most fun I’ve had on stage this year!”
Covering topics from Byron Katie’s The Work including Carren’s spectacular comprehension of My Business, Your Business and Universal Business, all the way to how to quiet the busy noise between our two ears, Carren encourages us to step up and invite the Universe to be our partner in all things life, love and business. She also explores what the very nature of ‘Self’ is in a way that only she can. Noodle baking, thought provoking, inspiring and remarkably curious, this is a super power Carren Smith special event!
We hope that you will forgive the sound quality on this recording as Carren did the best she could with what she had. It’s our hope that you will love this episode so much, you won’t even notice the sound! Enjoy!
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Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
UC 269: Turning your passion into a business
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Cyndi has just had her third graduation weekend for the Functional Nutrition Academy. Graduates are doing great things in their community, helping people make changes to their health by focusing on changing the foods they buy and consume. Not only is this changing their health but that of their community. Cyndi interviews three graduates from different backgrounds. Marni is a self-proclaimed ‘recovering dietitian’, Melinda had a husband who had been in an accident and was not healing and she also had some health challenges and Bec was a Victorian policewoman whose love and passion since having children was teaching healthy eating to not only her children but children in the class room. This inspirational interview shows vision on all three graduates. Watch this space? This is part of a video series that Cyndi has created called The History of Eating – to watch the entire series go to ‘The Evolution of Diet Video Series’ http://goo.gl/Xzxz2Z
To get in touch with –
Melinda Blundell from EMU Wellness or Instagram – @emuwellness
Rebecca Warke from Omaha Kids Instagram – @omahamum
Marnie Perkinson from Perky – Instagram – @perky_nz
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Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
UC 268: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
How do you achieve what you do? This is the question that the Up For A Chat hosts are often asked. They all run busy homes, businesses and lives. What gets them up in the morning, what inspires them to keep going in the face of adversity? Carren, Kim and Cyndi all do it differently and it has something to do with their alter egos. Many things are talked about but one is the need for energy and rather than just looking at food they begin to talk about other ways. Grounding is one topic they discuss here is the link they refer to;
Listen in to find some simple ways to feel the fear but do it anyway.
The post UC 268: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
UC 267: Flashback Chat – How a Thought or Dream Becomes Reality
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past.
It’s funny how the podcasts start. The Up For A Chat girls have a topic and then the topic takes them places they never expect. Today was no different. Cyndi is talking about her next adventure in creating a documentary and the steps she took from the initial thought to it now being a reality with top name health professionals from all over the world saying yes to an interview. From there Kim and Carren talk about the steps to making anything a success. Listen in and be amazed how a thought becomes a reality.
Download your transcription here: UC 113 – Transcription
The post UC 267: Flashback Chat – How a Thought or Dream Becomes Reality appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past.
The Up for A Chat girls have been asked the question how do you deal with people who don’t support and share your lifestyle changes and create more positive people in your life with similar beliefs? The girls bring their own real life situations to the microphone and how they deal with people who constantly question their lifestyle and beliefs. And guess what it is not about changing others it is about standing strong in your own passion, conviction and philosophy. It is about being the example, the beacon of light that will create the ripple effect to change a family, community, country and world.
The post UC 266: Flashback Chat – Living with people who do not have your passion, conviction and philosophy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
UC 265: Flashback Chat – Rituals and Routines
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past.
A listener asked The Up for A Chat girls about their rituals and routines, so listen in and hear what Kim, Carren and Cyndi do when they first open their eyes in the morning. Each does something different that works for them, but may give you some ideas as to how to kick-start your day. They also discuss the personal care, cleaning and household products that they use. They are very different, but there is one common theme, and that is they do have their daily rituals and their choice of products is about being natural and no animal cruelty.
The post UC 265: Flashback Chat – Rituals and Routines appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
UC 264: Life Changing Cancer – with Ronda Nelson
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Dr. Ronda Nelson Phd, began her working career as an accountant. She married had children and then her eldest daughter was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer at the age of ten with a very poor prognosis. Ronda’s world was turned up-side down. Through this harrowing experience Ronda’s life changed forever and thank goodness. Ronda now travels the world teaching practitioners about the endocrine (hormone) system and how food and herbs can support the many organs associated with this system. Her journey from accountant to Naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist and her knowledge of hormones is not to be missed.
If you would like to learn more about Dr Ronda go to www.restorationhealth.net
The post UC 264: Life Changing Cancer – with Ronda Nelson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.