We would love you to join us; the Up for a Chatters, along with our mindfulness expert Vikki Kelly, in a life long experiment. To live as openly, connected and passionately as you can, day to day, moment to moment. In the good times and the bad. Vikki wants to explore the depths of compassion for everyone. To cultivate and deepen awareness and capacity to love. To brighten the mind and open the heart. Forget the rules and throw away the cushion. Join Vikki as she explores mindfulness like never before. Her book Mindful 2.0 is about allowing your life to inform your practice towards healthier habits of mind. Over 50, simple, highly effective activities and practices to calm a stressed mind, create space between the ‘rush’ and re-connect you with your inner bliss. Mindful 2.0 is your companion guide in the worthwhile pursuit of a calmer, happier and more deeply connected life.
The post UC 287: Mindfulness Made Easy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.