Terrorism is usually understood as the use or threat of violence to further a political cause and there is no doubt this has accelerated in recent years. Modern terrorism and the attacks of 9/11 certainly marked a turning point in world history and the beginning of the ‘War on Terror’. Carren has been personally effected by terrorism and Kim recently returned from France where Nice was under attack. This week the girls ask an important question. Has the global campaign against terrorism, known as the ‘War on Terror’, made us any safer? What really is the driver here? The conversation takes a turn when we go deeper and start to look at this crazy world and how things occur when humans act out of both love and fear – and more importantly – how this effects us in our own lives, in our homes and in our relationships.
The post UC 191: It’s A Crazy World – Terrorism Love And Fear appeared first on The Wellness Couch.