Gorgeous fitness expert and mum Lizzy Williamson joins the Up For A Chat girls this week talking about the love of exercise and how she overcame post natal depression. Kim and Cyndi do not have a problem with regular movement each with a love for running and swimming, WOD’s (Workout Of the Day), yoga, hiking and walking. This leads to an all out challenge to our Carren who cannot find her flow with regular exercise regardless of how good it is for her. She says work will always be her priority. If you are not an exerciser you will enjoy this loving banter and it will be interesting to see if it floats your boat and gets you up and out the door too! And as an extra bonus here is the beautiful Lizzy’s free chair workout to get you started! lizzywilliamson.com/upforachat
The post UC 153: Let’s Get Physical – Lizzy Williamson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.